Provider Directory API Documentation

  1. Getting Started
    1. Submitting REST requests
  2. FHIR Profiles
  3. Error handling

Getting Started

The Provider Directory API is AllCare Health's FHIR Implementation of the HL7 DaVinci PDEX Plan Net Implementation Guide (version 1.0). There is no registration necessary to access this API.

Submitting REST requests

The simplest way to access the API is through a web browser. For example, to search for practitioners with a name like 'Bob' Alternatively, there are several REST clients available for use such as Insomnia or Postman.

FHIR Profiles

Each of the following FHIR Profiles are available. These profiles provide example data types and give information about what search parameters are supported. All data elements with a minimum cardinality of 1 and marked MUST SUPPORT are available. Elements not labeled MUST SUPPORT and a cardinality of 0 may not be available.

Error Handling

The Provider Directory uses standard HTTP Status codes to indicate if an error occurred. If you receive a 404 status code this typically means we do not have the data you are searching for as submitted in your REST request. A 500 error will typically indicate something went wrong when attempting to process the request. We actively monitor these errors and ask that you try again at a later time. For more information on the meaning of different HTTP status codes, please look here.